GrizzlyOso said:
It seems like you won’t listen but before you worry about legendary or reaper finish your gear . Gear can be obtained on elite . It can even be obtained on hard with more time .
Gear makes such a massive difference it’s ludicrous , and it’s clear your gear isn’t finished .
Oh I do listen (or in this case read) and yeah my gear isn't finished yet so there is that. The reason I don't want to do elite to get the gear (or hard) is because I'm at cap, Level 32. There really isn't much fun playing if you don't get xp and since I don't have full rxp it's only logical to do R1 so I can at least get something (other then the chance of gear).
I also run vecna since that is one of the gear pieces I need, unless I'll go for a dino scepter instead of a radiance scepter. Although this scepter from vecna will make me hit a little bit harder it won't make that much diff. Filigrees can make some if I can get like a good set for the artifact and main weapon but it won't be that significant either.
Ped Xing said:
I'll disagree with your premise that reaper should be easier to do.
Casual/Normal/Hard and Elite exist for a reason.
As I said above I don't want to run normal/hard/elite since it won't give me anything since I'm capped. I might do elite once level cap is raised (not sure yet).
vik said:
I remember R1 starting out on my DC caster, it was rough: mobs were saving against my spells so often it wasn't funny. When you have to start every CC spell with a debuff you run out of sp fast.
PRR of 100 is a bit low for reaper, you may want to boost that. The advice someone gave earlier of farming IoD rares for sentient XP is good too: there is a lot of power in filigrees.
Saltmarsh seems quite a bit easier than Vecna. IoD as well. You may want to hold off on Vecna reaper until you've got some more reaper and sentient XP.
Maybe describe one of the encounters in quests where you tend to die a lot? You mentioned you had plenty of CC: are the mobs making their saves? The saves for mobs in Sharn and Vecna are a lot higher than Saltmarsh and IoD I noticed.
First off I never really said that I died a lot just that it's very close often (almost during every encounter I find myself at very low health sometime during every fight). When I get a bad draw on reapers and you end up with 2-3 ones at the same time it does happen that I die sometimes (depending on the build and my ability to self heal, this is why my FvS Inquisitor is my main raid toon and grind toon for mats/account bound gear - great suvaivability and damage even for a char with just a few past lives).
The fact though that it's a close call in every fight is what makes it less fun to me, I don't need it to be a breeze just not a chore to do quests. I do play to be entertained not feel it's work.
Kimbere said:
You're walking into endgame content on a toon with almost no past lives, low reaper points, non-endgame gear, and running a class/build that's well-known to be weaker than other options yet you think you should be able to solo reaper difficulty with hirelings that use terrible AI? Choosing to solo in a game designed for grouping adds additional difficulty to the prospect.
You'd likely have zero issues in R1 even on the underpowered toon if you were in a group of actual players instead of using the hirelings.
Reaper is reaper. If you want to solo on underpowered toons/builds/gear and dying bothers you, reaper is not the correct difficulty choice.
Even according to the devs, you're wrong. As a reminder:
Well the game isn't all that group friendly these days imo. Plus all the other reasons why so many ppl play solo like ppl are so stressed these days (or so it feels) that they zerg through everything and if you need to sell/repair you might miss a quest in the chain. There are so much less comradery when it comes to play in groups (except for raids and getting advice in general char at times). Plus I live in sweden so my time might not line up with others time etc.
I do join the occasional group for a chain, usually on R1 or R4 but I don't do well with the stress of zerging, it takes all the fun out of actually playing (for me).
Spook said:
What feels difficult at 30 will feel trivial at 34 - have a week to get to 32 then start on the level 34 grind.
Yeah my chars already at lev 32 but sure I get your point that it might be easier once the cap is raised and I reach 34 although I have a feeling it might not be a sbig of a difference depending on what feats we can get (if any).
rabidfox said:
I too tried machro as a tree with warlock at one point. The current bugs with single target rune arms made me move away from it. Can you post a screenshot of your heroic and epic trees? I suspect changing them up could improve your solo-ability a ton.
It might be that utilizing another tree could make it "easier" but the choices I have made is for a reason and tbh a lot of the picks in the Machro tree is defensive, in the primal tree many there is too (if you count boosting self heal and hirelings defensive).
I don't see that the choices made in the trees are the problem. Imo you should be able to do reaper 1 on any build (yes even non min/maxed) if you do have some knowledge on how to play the game and especially if you have knowledge of the quests.
The bottom line imo is that either the trash mobs hits to hard or your scaling into legendary from epics isn't scaling properly. I have stated it before but here it comes again: I don't mind if there is some increase to mobs damage output or hp just that I find it scaled to much for R1.
In the example in probably my first or second post I said 1000hp (for my char which is actually 1500hp) and the mobs hit for about 300+ each hit and they don't seem to miss. Playing any character that isn't a fighter type character with lots of PRR/MRR and AC with insane amount of hp solo means you always gets aggro and will always get hit (from spells and melee and some of those spells like dragonbolt does way too much damage and are a dot so it will tick at least 3-4 times).
If my hirelings don't keep up on healing or if I don't have a reliable self heal I would most likely die and why would I want to play the game if it's borderline "unbeatable". Now I know that I'm exaggerating a bit here but still.
kimberlyte said:
Most pick-up groups run legendary raids on LH despite blowing through heroic and epic raids shortman while leveling on R1. A few guild groups run invite-only legendary reaper raids, but only a tiny percentage of the DDO population has run any legendary raids on R4 or higher. Legendary is a big jump in difficulty for everyone.
Reaper is an optional difficulty. The game offers four other difficulty levels named Casual, Normal, Hard and Elite. You can find buttons for these four difficulties conveniently located on every quest entry dialogue box. Other older content such as Cannith Challenges offers a range of difficulties, although power creep has trivialized it.
As others have pointed out, you're undergeared, have few past lives or reaper points, and are not on an optimal build. But this sentence took the cake:
Every reply you've made has essentially been a cry out for an easy mode. If you want to play for casual amusem*nt, choose normal, hard or elite, and please stop complaining about a game mode that was designed solely to provide a challenge to well-geared, experienced players.
Wow so many replies while I was writing this response but hey one last reply.
I want the reaper points. How am I going to catch up and get reaper points if I don't play reaper? I'm not going to TR every one of my 40+ chars to get reaper points only from heroic and epics. It's not a viable strategy since that would take me more years then I have left in this world (probably). Yes I would love to group up with ppl that actually like playing the game as it is supposed to be played (according to me) but all you get is zerg, zerg, zerg with no (or little) comradery to wait to start next quest until all are ready (if they want to sell/repair or was left behind in a quest).
These are some of the reasons I mostly solo, other reasons are that sometimes when I'm online there isn't anyones that are posting (and no I rarely post myself because I don't want the hassle of telling ppl that no zerg just to have them drop).
In your mind (and possibly experience) this game is a great friendly game where ppl play together and group up and maybe that is your experience (although I suspect that you are ok with zerg and might even like that). To me I get stressed out of zergs, it takes all the fun out of playing if you have to stress through content (even if you have run that content 100+ times)
Lastely you say basically what I do ask for even though I don't see it that way is an easy mode. Well here we just have to agree to disagree I guess. With there beeing R2-R10 to challange ppl I don't see why R1 can't be just a tiny bit easier then it is now (on legendary) not a lot but just a smidge so that ppl still can get those reaper points that are needed to do reaper and catch up to those that have 15+ years of PL's, 3x xompletionest, iconic completionst and epic completionist + full or vastly more reaper points.
Imo it wouldn't take anything away from anyone since if you want your challange and for the game to be work rather then fun you can just go up in skulls to get that challange and if you have a char that is newer and don't have all your stuff and reaper points yet you also have a chance to catch up. To me this is win win.
But mostly this is a game where we don't truly compete against eachother. It should be beatable and I do hope that maybe someday I might have enough PL's and gear and reaper points where I can solo mid to high reapers if I want to. If a game is unbeatable I see no point in playing.
I can take as an example to this. In the early days of MMORPG's I played quite a few of them and for most of them once you got to level 10-12 you couldn't play solo anymore. Every quest after that needed groups because the content was made that way. I hated that and quit all those other games because some of them were not in my timezone and I had no friends that played or made any friends in those games.
Then I found DDO and this game when I started you were mostly needed to play in groups back then but there were always groups to play with (sure some quests could probably be solo'd but I didn't know the game as I do now).
Another thing that made me struggle back then was that I didn't know how to build good characters so I miss matched classes and spread my AP's over many trees instead on focusing on a specific build. For several years I never got a char over level 12 (and this was before epics and legendary) which means that I missed out on the whole TR thing and starte dnew characters instead and now I have 40+. Some are mules and some I have since then got to 20 and TR'd so I have a few but with all those characters I havn't really gotten into the whole TR for completionist wibe. The one char I have with most PL's are on his 7th life.