npm:valve-steam-web-api | Skypack (2024)

JS Wrapper for the Steam Web Api for all Valve online multiplayer games (Dota2 TF2 CS:GO)

Official Documentation provided by Steam can be found here -

The documentation for other endpoints not officially documented in the above link can be found here -

For sample response JSON data:

Installation and Setup

First, get a developer api key for access to the steam web api here -

To install the package, type the following into your terminal/shell:

npm install valve-steam-web-api

The module contains two usable classes, one for Dota 2 and one for TF2. The classes can be accessed in the following ways:

For Dota 2:

const valveSteamApi = require('valve-steam-web-api')const dotaSteamApi = new valveSteamApi.dotaSteamApi('<yourSteamApiKey>')


let {dotaSteamApi} = require('valve-steam-web-api')dotaSteamApi = new dotaSteamApi('<yourSteamApiKey>')

For TF2:

const valveSteamApi = require('valve-steam-web-api')const tf2SteamApi = new valveSteamApi.tf2SteamApi('<yourSteamApiKey>')


let {tf2SteamApi} = require('valve-steam-web-api')tf2SteamApi = new tf2SteamApi('<yourSteamApiKey>')


const valveSteamApi = require('valve-steam-web-api')const csgoSteamApi = new valveSteamApi.csgoSteamApi('<yourSteamApiKey>')


let {csgoSteamApi} = require('valve-steam-web-api')csgoSteamApi = new csgoSteamApi('<yourSteamApiKey>')

Dota2 Response Methods

All methods except those that return img urls will return a Promise that can be handled


Gets in-depth details about the requested match


  • match_id - match id of desire Dota 2 match
const sampleMatchId = 5577982773dotaSteamApi.getMatchDetails(sampleMatchId).then(data => console.log(data))

getLeagueListing - Deprecated

Returns a list of all leagues supported in-game via DotaTV


  • language - (optional) ISO_639-1 language code

ISO_639-1 codes can be found at the following link:

The default language is English

dotaSteamApi.getLeagueListing().then(data => console.log(data))


Gets live league matches and their current individual match details

Parameters: None

dotaSteamApi.getLiveLeagueGames().then(data => console.log(data))


Retrieves a list of matches that can be filtered by the following parameters.


  • hero_id - (optional) only return matches with requested hero_id (hero ids can be found using getHeroes())
  • game_mode - (optional) only return matches with the desired game_mode (ids can be found here:
  • skill - (optional) only return matches of desired skill level [0 - 3] where 3 is the highest skill level and 0 is any
  • min_players - (optional) minimum number of players required to be in the match
  • account_id - (optional) only return matches where user with steam account_id was a player
  • league_id - (optional) only returns matches with the requested league_id
  • start_at_match_id - (optional) only grab matches that started at and after the requested match_id
  • matches_requested - (optional) limit the number of matches returned (default: 100)
  • tournament_games_only - (optional) limit results to only tournament matches (0 = false, 1 = true)
const heroId = 1 // Anti-Mageconst matchesRequested = 25dotaSteamApi.getMatchHistory(heroId, null, null, null, null, null, null, matchesRequested).then(data => console.log(data))


Retrieves a list of matches starting at provided sequence value. Starts at a random value if no parameters are provided.


  • start_at_match_seq_num - (optional) match sequence number to begin requesting at
  • matches_requested - (optional) the number of desired matches
const startingMatchSeqNum = 4706807932const numMatches = 15dotaSteamApi.getMatchHistoryBySequenceNum(startingMatchSeqNum, numMatches).then(data => console.log(data))

getScheduledLeagueGames - Deprecated

Retrieves a list of upcoming Dota league games


  • date_min - (optional Unix timestamp) starting datetime
  • date_max - (optional Unix timestamp) ending datetime
dotaSteamApi.getScheduledLeagueGames().then(data => console.log(data))


Retrieves list of Dota2 teams by filterable parameters


  • start_at_team_id - (optional) team id to start returning at
  • teams_requested - (optional) number of teams to return
// team id for Team Liquidconst teamIdrequested = 2163const teamsRequested = 10dotaSteamApi.getTeamInfoByTeamId(teamIdrequested, teamsRequested).then(data => console.log(data))

getMatchMVPVotes - Undocumented

Currently unstable and not working. Do not use until more documentation is available.


  • match_id - match id to return MVP votes for
const sampleMatchId = 5577982773dotaSteaApi.getMatchMVPVotes(sampleMatchId).then(data => console.log(data))


Retrieves current top live tournament game. Unsure what partner stands for currently.


  • partner - ?
const samplePartner = 0dotaSteamApi.getTopLiveEventGame(samplePartner).then(data => console.log(data))


Retrieves current top live public game. Unsure what partner stands for currently.


  • partner - ?
const samplePartner = 0dotaSteamApi.getTopLiveGame(samplePartner).then(data => console.log(data))


Retrieves pro player stats from games played at the International Dota 2 Championships


  • account_id - steam account id
  • hero_id - (optional) return games where player played requested hero (hero ids can be found using getHeroes())
  • time_frame - (optional) requested time frame
  • match_id - (optional) filter results to look for specific match only
  • league_id (optional) DO NOT CHANGE OR USE: only supports the International (default is already league_id=65006)
const requestedPlayerId = 16769223dotaSteamApi.getTournamentPlayerStats(requestedPlayerId).then(data => console.log(data))

getTopWeekendTourneyGames - Potentially Deprecated

Retrieves list of weekend tournament games.


  • partner - ?
  • home_division - (optional) filter matches to prefer matches from chosen division
dotaSteamApi.getTopWeekendTourneyGames(0).then(data => console.log(data))


Retrieves list of ingame items with their name and price


  • language - (optional) language to return item names in
dotaSteamApi.getGameItems().then(data => console.log(data))


Retrieves list of ingame items with their names and hero ids


  • language - (optional) language to return hero names in
dotaSteamApi.getHeroes().then(data => console.log(data))


Retrieves community funded portion of a tournament's prize pool.


  • leagueid - (default=65006) Default is the Dota 2 International
dotaSteamApi.getTournamentPrizePool().then(data => console.log(data))


Retrieves list of consmetic item rarities, and their corresponding name, id, and hex color

Parameters: None

dotaSteamApi.getRarities().then(data => console.log(data))


Returns desired hero icon url


  • heroName - Name of the desired hero in the form npc_dota_hero_heroName (hero data can be retrieved from getHeroes)
  • size - Size of the img linked to by the returned url
    • 0: sb.png - smallest horizontal icon size (59 x 33)
    • 1: lg.png - middle horizontal icon size (205 x 115)
    • 2: full.png - largest of the 3 horizontal icons (256 x 144)
    • 3: vert.jpg - ingame icon shown to left of hp and mana bars (235 x 272)
const requestedHeroName = 'npc_dota_hero_antimage'const requestedSize = 0const antiMageHeroIcon = dotaSteamApi.getHeroIcon(requestedHeroName, requestedSize)


Returns item icon with given item name


  • itemName - Name of desired item icon in the form item_itemName (item data can be retrieved from getGameItems())
const requestedItem = "item_blink"const blinkDaggerIcon = dotaSteamApi.getItemIcon(requestedItem)


Returns url to ability requested ability icon. The Steam Api does not currently support the retrieval of ability ids and names


  • heroName - Name of the desired hero in the form npc_dota_hero_heroName (hero data can be retrieved from getHeroes)
  • abilityName - Name of ability to retrieve url of
const heroRequested = "npc_dota_hero_antimage"const abilityRequested = "blink"const abilityUrl = dotaSteamApi.getAbilityIcon(heroRequested, abilityRequested)


Returns list of heroes, their names, and ids, as well as their image urls with the desired size


  • language - (optional) Language to return hero names in
  • size - Size of the img linked to by the returned url
    • 0: sb.png - smallest horizontal icon size (59 x 33)
    • 1: lg.png - middle horizontal icon size (205 x 115)
    • 2: full.png - largest of the 3 horizontal icons (256 x 144)
    • 3: vert.jpg - ingame icon shown to left of hp and mana bars (235 x 272)
dotaSteamApi.getHeroesWithIcons(null, 0).then(data => console.log(data))


Returns list of items with their names and image urls


  • language - (optional) language to return item names in
dotaSteamApi.getItemsWithIcons().then(data => console.log(data))


Returns current active version of the Dota 2 game client

Parameters: None

dotaSteamApi.getClientVersion().then(data => console.log(data))


Returns current active version of the Dota 2 servers

Parameters: None

* dotaSteamApi.getServerVersion()


Returns current steam market data for the dota 2 page, including featured items and filters for each hero and category


  • language - (optional) language to return results in
dotaSteamApi.getStoreMetaData().then(data => console.log(data))


Returns list of all dota 2 cosmetics owned by given steam user and each item's details


  • steamid - steam user id
dotaSteamApi.getPlayerItems('<uint64_steamid>').then(data => console.log(data))


Returns list of cosmetic items that steam user has equipped for given hero id


  • steamid - steam user id
  • class_id - hero class id (hero ids can be found using getHeroes())
const heroClassID = 1 // Anti-MagedotaSteamApi.getEquippedPlayerItems('<uint64_steamid', heroClassID).then(data => console.log(data))


Get recent news for Dota 2 by filterable parameters


  • maxlength - (optional) Maximum length for the content to return, 0 for full content, if it's less then a blurb is generated to fit
  • enddate - (optional) Retrieve posts earlier than this date (unix epoch timestamp)
  • count - (optional) # of posts to retrieve (default 20)
  • feeds - (optional) Comma-separated list of feed names to return news for
const testCount = 10dotaApi.getNewsForDotaApp(null, null, testCount, null).then(data => console.log(data))


Returns list of achievement and percentage of global playerbase that have earned each

Dota 2 currently does not contain any earnable player achievements

Parameters: None

dotaSteamApi.getGlobalAchievementPercentagesForDota().then(data => console.log(data))


Returns list of steam user achievements. Dota 2 currently does not contain any earnable player achievements.

Profile of requested steam user must be public.


  • steamid - steam user id
  • language - (optional) language to return results in
dotaSteamApi.getDotaPlayerAchievements('<uint64_steamid>').then(data => console.log(data))


Returns game name, version, and ingame stats tracked, Dota has none as of now


  • language - (optional) language to return results in
dotaSteamApi.getSchemaForDota().then(data => console.log(data))


Returns number of current ingame players

Parameters: None

dotaSteamApi.getNumberOfCurrentPlayers().then(data => console.log(data))


Returns full list of purchasable items and their individual class ids and properties


  • currency - (optional) currency type to format price of return items in
  • language - (optional) language to return item results in
dotaSteamApi.getAssetPrices().then(data => console.log(data))


Returns individual item info by class id from the class_id_list array provided. To get class ids, use getAssetPrices()


  • language - (optional) language to return item results in
  • class_count - number of items requested
  • class_id_list - (Array object) array of item class ids to return details for
const requestedClasses = 2const classesList = [57939591, 57939593] // 2 pieces of the Demon Blood item set for axedotaSteamApi.getAssetClassInfo(null, requestedClasses, classesList).then(data => console.log(data))

TF2 Response Methods

All methods return promises that can be handled


Return list of ingame achievements and the percentage of the global playerbase that has earned each one

Parameters: None

tf2SteamApi.getGlobalAchievementPercentagesForTF2().then(data => console.log(data))


Returns list of earned achievements for the given steam user


  • steamid - user steam id
  • language - (optional) language to provide results in
tf2SteamApi.getTF2PlayerAchievements('<uint64_steamid>').then(data => console.log(data))


Returns game name, version, and list of ingame stats tracked


  • language - (optional) language to return results in
tf2SteamApi.getSchemaForTF2().then(data => console.log(data))


Returns current number of ingame players

Parameters: None

tf2SteamApi.getNumberOfCurrentPlayers().then(data => console.log(data))


Return recent news for TF2 using filterable parameters


  • maxlength - (optional) Maximum length for the content to return, 0 for full content, if it's less then a blurb is generated to fit
  • enddate - (optional) Retrieve posts earlier than this date (unix epoch timestamp)
  • count - (optional) # of posts to retrieve (default 20)
  • feeds - (optional) Comma-separated list of feed names to return news for
const testCount = 10tf2SteamApi.getNewsForTF2App(null, null, testCount).then(data => console.log(data))


Return list of steam users who are currently in possession of golden wrenches

Parameters: None

tf2SteamApi.getGoldenWrenches().then(data => console.log(data))


Return list of tf2 items and item details owned by given steam user

Profile must be public for method to work


  • steamid - steam user id
tf2.getPlayerItems('<uint64_steamid>').then(data => console.log(data))


Returns link to online file of schema for ingame items (how items are classified)

Parameters: None

tf2SteamApi.getItemSchemaURL().then(data => console.log(data))


Returns description of how ingame items are classified and the propertiers and id of each cosmetic item


  • language - (optional) language to return results in
tf2SteamApi.getItemSchemaOverview().then(data => console.log(data))


Returns current steam market data for the tf2 page, including featured items and filters for each class


  • language - (optional) language to return results in
tf2SteamApi.getSteamStoreMetaData().then(data => console.log(data))


Returns TF2 store status. Call is currently undocumented. Status response code meanings are unkwown.

Parameters: None

tf2SteamApi.getStoreStatus().then(data => console.log(data))


Returns full list of purchasable items and their individual class ids and properties


  • currency - (optional) currency type to format price of return items in
  • language - (optional) language to return item results in
tf2.getAssetPrices().then(data => console.log(data))


Returns individual item info by class id from the class_id_list array provided. To get class ids, use getAssetPrices()


  • language - (optional) language to return item results in
  • class_count - number of items requested
  • class_id_list - (Array object) array of item class ids to return details for
const requestedClasses = 2const classesList = [195151, 211447708]tf2SteamApi.getAssetClassInfo(null, requestedClasses, classesList)

CSGO Response Methods

All methods return promises that can be handled


Retrieves CSGO maps and their respective playtimes over the given interval


  • interval - What recent interval is requested, possible values: day, week, month
  • gamemode - What game mode is requested, possible values: competitive, casual
  • mapgroup - What maps are requested, possible values: operation
const testInterval = 'day'const testGamemode = 'competitive'const testGroup = 'operation'csgoSteamApi.getGameMapsPlaytime(testInterval, testGamemode, testGroup).then(data => console.log(data))


Return data on the current status of the CSGO servers

Parameters: None

csgoSteamApi.getGameServersStatus().then(data => console.log(data))


Describes ingame weapon properties and details and how CS:GO classifies ingame activities and features


  • language - (optional) language to return results in
csgoSteamApi.getSchema().then(data => console.log(data))


Returns url to ingame item schema file

Parameters: None

csgoSteamApi.getSchemaURL().then(data => console.log(data))


Retrieves metadata on how the steam market filters CS:GO ingame items such as cosmetics


  • language - (optional) language to return results in
csgoSteamApi.getStoreMetaData().then(data => console.log(data))


Retrieves information about CSGO ingame servers

Parameters: None

csgoSteamApi.getServerVersion().then(data => console.log(data))


Get recent news for CSGO by the filterable parameters


  • maxlength - (optional) Maximum length for the content to return, 0 for full content, if it's less then a blurb is generated to fit
  • enddate - (optional) Retrieve posts earlier than this date (unix epoch timestamp)
  • count - (optional) # of posts to retrieve (default 20)
  • feeds - (optional) Comma-separated list of feed names to return news for
const testCount = 10csgoSteamApi.getNewsForCSGOApp(null, null, testCount).then(data => console.log(data))


Return list of ingame achievements and the percentage of the global playerbase that has earned each one

Parameters: None

csgoSteamApi.getGlobalAchievementPercentagesForCSGO().then(data => console.log(data))


Returns list of earned achievements for the steam user passed in


  • steamid - uint64 steam id
  • language - (optional) language to return results in
csgoSteamApi.getCSGOPlayerAchievements('<uint64_steamid>').then(data => console.log(data))


Returns game name, version, and list of ingame stats tracked


  • language - (optional) language to return results in
csgoSteamApi.getSchemaForCSGO().then(data => console.log(data))


Returns number of current ingame players

Parameters: None

csgoSteamApi.getNumberOfCurrentPlayers().then(data => console.log(data))


Returns full list of purchasable items and their individual class ids and properties


  • currency - (optional) currency type to format price of return items in
  • language - (optional) language to return item results in
csgoSteamApi.getAssetPrices().then(data => console.log(data))


Returns individual item info by class id from the class_id_list array provided. To get class ids, use getAssetPrices()


  • language - (optional) language to return item results in
  • class_count - number of items requested
  • class_id_list - (Array object) array of item class ids to return details for
const requestedClasses = 2const classesList = [3761545710, 3946324333]csgoSteamApi.getAssetClassInfo(null, requestedClasses, classesList).then(data => console.log(data))
npm:valve-steam-web-api | Skypack (2024)
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Article information

Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.