Secured Payment
premium parts
Yes, this part fits in ( ${skucurrent} ) model ( ${filteredList[i].app_title.toUpperCase()} )
View model
`; console.log("ok") listContainer.innerHTML = appendT_T; } listContainer.innerHTML = appendT_T; } $('.msg_incorrect').hide(); } // code updated Apr 11 2024 end $(document).on('click', '.btn-cross', function() { // $('.btn-cross').click(function(){ console.log('crossindex') $('.modellistpara').css('display','none'); $('.msg_incorrect').hide(); setTimeout(function() { $(".suggestion-list").removeClass("dynamic_position"); }, 1000); $("#search").val(""); $('.suggestion-list').addClass('hidden'); }); $('.cross_NotFit').click(function(){ console.log('crossindex') $('.msg_incorrect').css('display','none !important'); $("#search").val(""); $('.suggestion-list').addClass('hidden'); }); generateAppList(event); $(document).on('click', '.suggestion-list div', function() { var index = $(this).index(); // console.log("index>>>",index) var parent = $(this).parent(); // console.log("parent>>>>>",parent) parent.children('div').each(function() { if($(this).index() != index){ $(this).hide(); $(".suggestion-list").addClass("dynamic_position"); $('.modeltext').show(); $('.main_text_Div').show(); $('.divmlBtn').show(); $('.divconatin').show(); $('.linkclass').show(); $('.mainsku').show(); $('.twodiv').show(); $('.onediv').css('display', 'flex'); $('.onediv').show(); $('.twodiv').hide(); $('p_nt_found').hide(); $('.msg_incorrect').hide(); } }); }); function hideAppList() { // listContainer.classList.add("hidden"); } $(document).mouseup(function(e) { var container = $(".suggestion-list"); // If the target of the click isn't the container nor a descendant of the container if (!container.is(e.target) && container.has(e.target).length === 0) { // console.log("ifmouseup"); container.addClass("hidden"); // Use jQuery's addClass() method $('.msg_incorrect').hide(); } });
} //end condition }); } // Call the function to display product details displayProductDetails(productDetailsData,event); } getsingleProductDetails();}else{ console.log("product input field") setTimeout(() => { console.log("modelEncompassData product input field",modelEncompassData) var modifysku = modelEncompassData.join(' OR '); var chunkedArrays22 = [modifysku] console.log("chunkedArrays22",chunkedArrays22) console.log("chunkedArrays22>>>",chunkedArrays22) $("#search").on('keyup', function (e) { if (e.key === 'Enter' || e.keyCode === 13) { // Do something console.log("enter press") e.preventDefault(); return false; }}); var searchInput = document.querySelector("#search"); searchInput.addEventListener('keyup', function(event){ // if (event.key === 'Enter' || event.keyCode === 13) { // event.preventDefault(); // return; // } setTimeout(() => { console.log("eveve",event.target.value); var matched_data = filterArray(event.target.value); console.log("matched_data",matched_data) if(matched_data.length > 0){ getsingleProductDetails(matched_data,event); }else{ var listContainer = document.querySelector(".suggestion-list"); let paragraph = document.createElement("p"); paragraph.classList.add("p_nt_found"); paragraph.innerText = "No Model found"; listContainer.innerHTML = "
No Model found
"; listContainer.classList.remove("hidden"); } }, 2000); }); function filterArray(searchValue) { //var searchValue = searchInput.value.toLowerCase().trim(); // Get the search value and convert to lowercase console.log("searchValue",searchValue,"chunkedArrays22[0]:",chunkedArrays22[0]) var filteredArray = chunkedArrays22[0].split(" OR ").filter(function(item) { return item.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchValue.toLowerCase()) > -1 || item.toUpperCase().indexOf(searchValue.toUpperCase()) > -1; }); var filteredString = filteredArray.join(" OR ").replace(/,/g, " OR "); console.log("Filtered String:", filteredString); return filteredString; } // ram comment // searchInput.addEventListener('input', filterArray); // Replace 'YOUR_STOREFRONT_ACCESS_TOKEN' with your actual Storefront API token var storefrontAccessToken21 = '275e2c2c71750cf915068494bbd5c366'; async function getsingleProductDetails(result,event) { var productDetailsData = []; const response_single = await fetch("https://bertazzoniparts.myshopify.com/api/2023-04/graphql.json", { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Shopify-Storefront-Access-Token': storefrontAccessToken21, }, body: JSON.stringify({ query: `{ products(query: "${result}", first: 250) { edges { node { metafield(namespace: "custom", key: "ari_id") { id value } } } nodes { id title description handle variants(first: 250) { nodes { sku priceV2 { amount currencyCode } } } images(first: 250) { nodes { originalSrc } } } } } `, }), }); const result_single = await response_single.json(); if (result_single.data.products) { productDetailsData = []; productDetailsData.push(result_single.data.products); } console.log("productDetailsData",productDetailsData) function displayProductDetails(productDetailsData,event) { productDetailsData[0].nodes.forEach(product => { const { title, description, variants, handle, images } = product; const sku = variants.nodes[0].sku; // if(dataArray21.includes(sku)){ const amount = variants.nodes[0].priceV2.amount; let imageD; if (images.nodes.length > 0) { imageD = images.nodes[0].originalSrc; } else { imageD = 'https://encompass-11307.kxcdn.com/imageDisplay?mfgCode=BRT&type=b&size=s'; } $("#apps").append($('
', { class: 'app', // Ensure the class name is a string }).append("
" + sku + "
" + handle + "
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No parts found
"; $('.search-label').click(function(){ console.log("search inside the length 0 ") $('.msg_incorrect').show(); }); } else { var appendT_T = ``; for (let i = 0; i < filteredList.length; i++) { var skucurrent = "L13001304"; // appendT_T = ``; appendT_T += `
Does this part fit my model?
Yes, this part fits in ${filteredList[i].app_title.toUpperCase()} model
View model
`; console.log("ok") listContainer.innerHTML = appendT_T; } listContainer.innerHTML = appendT_T; } $('.msg_incorrect').hide(); } // code updated Apr 11 2024 end $(document).on('click', '.btn-cross', function() { // $('.btn-cross').click(function(){ console.log('crossindex') $('.modellistpara').css('display','none'); $('.msg_incorrect').hide(); setTimeout(function() { $(".suggestion-list").removeClass("dynamic_position"); }, 1000); $("#search").val(""); $('.suggestion-list').addClass('hidden'); }); $('.cross_NotFit').click(function(){ console.log('crossindex') $('.msg_incorrect').css('display','none !important'); $("#search").val(""); $('.suggestion-list').addClass('hidden'); }); generateAppList(event); $(document).on('click', '.suggestion-list div', function() { var index = $(this).index(); // console.log("index>>>",index) var parent = $(this).parent(); // console.log("parent>>>>>",parent) parent.children('div').each(function() { if($(this).index() != index){ $(this).hide(); $(".suggestion-list").addClass("dynamic_position"); $('.modeltext').show(); $('.main_text_Div').show(); $('.divmlBtn').show(); $('.divconatin').show(); $('.linkclass').show(); $('.mainsku').show(); $('.twodiv').show(); $('.onediv').css('display', 'flex'); $('.onediv').show(); $('.twodiv').hide(); $('p_nt_found').hide(); $('.msg_incorrect').hide(); } }); }); function hideAppList() { // listContainer.classList.add("hidden"); } $(document).mouseup(function(e) { var container = $(".suggestion-list"); // If the target of the click isn't the container nor a descendant of the container if (!container.is(e.target) && container.has(e.target).length === 0) { // console.log("ifmouseup"); container.addClass("hidden"); // Use jQuery's addClass() method $('.msg_incorrect').hide(); } });
// } //end condition }); } // Call the function to display product details displayProductDetails(productDetailsData,event); } getsingleProductDetails(); }, "2000"); } var searchInputAtag = document.querySelector("#search"); $('.search-label').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); console.log("search-labelsearch-labelsearch-label>>>>>") var searchValue = $('#search').val().toLowerCase().trim(); // Get the search value from the input field console.log("Search Value>>>>>:", searchValue); if(searchValue < 1){ alert("Must Enter Any Value To See The Results"); return; } $(".text_searchValue").html(searchValue); // $('.mainsku').hide(); // Check each element with class 'paraclass' $('.paraclass').each(function() { console.log("paraclass") var text = $(this).text().toLowerCase(); console.log("text",text) if (text === searchValue) { console.log("text included ") $('.suggestion-list').removeClass('hidden'); $(".suggestion-list").addClass("dynamic_position"); $('.modeltext').show(); $('.main_text_Div').show(); $('.divmlBtn').show(); $('.divconatin').show(); $('.linkclass').show(); $('.mainsku').show(); $('.twodiv').show(); $('.onediv').css('display', 'flex'); $('.onediv').show(); $('.twodiv').hide(); $('p_nt_found').hide(); $('.msg_incorrect').hide(); }else{ $('.msg_incorrect').show(); $('.suggestion-list').addClass('hidden'); } }); $(".msg_incorrect").addClass("dynamic_position"); });
Hurry, only 0 parts left in stock
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'); setTimeout(function(){ $(document).find('.shopify-payment-button__button').hide(); } ,3000) return; } else{ //$(document).find(".notify_button").css("display","block"); } if(response.noPurchaseReason != '' && response.partEta != 'no longer available' || response.noPurchaseReason != '' && response.partEta != 'use substitute part' ) { var nopur = response.substitutePartLink; let use_sub_prt = response.noPurchaseReason; let check_strings = use_sub_prt.includes("use substitute part"); if(check_strings){ let partNums = use_sub_prt.split(" "); let chk_partNums = partNums[5]; let partNumssss = chk_partNums.split("<"); partNumssss = partNumssss[0] let links = `Use Substitute Part ${partNumssss}`; $(".more-info").append(`
This part is no longer available, but the part listed below is comparable and can be used instead
View Substitute Part # ${partNumssss}
View Part`); $(".product-iteam").show(); // jQuery('#noPurchaseReason').html(links); }else{ $('#noPurchaseReason').text(response.noPurchaseReason); $('.noPurchaseReason').css('display', 'block'); $('p#noPurchaseReason').css('display', 'block'); } $('.pro-details').css('display', 'none'); $(document).find('.group-quantity-button').css('display','none') $('#AddToCart').attr("disabled", "true"); $('#AddToCart').addClass("disabled"); $('#AddToCart').hide(); jQuery('#AddToCart').attr("disabled", "true"); jQuery('#AddToCart').addClass("disabled"); jQuery('#AddToCart').hide(); setTimeout(function(){ $(document).find('.shopify-payment-button__button').hide(); } ,3000) // jQuery(".search-model").hide(); if(nopur){ //comment Call GraphQl api for getting the newPartnumber's Handle var link = `Use Substitute Part ${nopur}`; jQuery('#noPurchaseReason').html(link); } } if(response.noPurchaseReason == 'no longer available - 004' || response.noPurchaseReason == 'Invalid Price - 002' || response.noPurchaseReason == 'not available for purchase - 015') { $('#noPurchaseReason').text(response.noPurchaseReason); $('.pro-details').css('display', 'none'); $('.noPurchaseReason').css('display', 'block'); $('p#noPurchaseReason').css('display', 'block'); $('#AddToCart').attr("disabled", "true"); $('#AddToCart').addClass("disabled"); $('#AddToCart').hide(); jQuery('.product-form--atc-button').attr("disabled", "true"); jQuery('.product-form--atc-button').addClass("disabled"); jQuery('#AddToCart').attr("disabled", "true"); jQuery('#AddToCart').addClass("disabled"); jQuery('#AddToCart').hide(); setTimeout(function(){ $(document).find('.shopify-payment-button__button').hide(); } ,3000) // jQuery(".search-model").hide(); jQuery('.productAvailability1').html(" " + response.noPurchaseReason +""); //return; } if(response.newPartNumber) { var newPartNumber = response.newPartNumber; newPartNumber = newPartNumber.replace("/", "-"); var originalPart = response.originalPart; if(newPartNumber != originalPart) { //comment Call GraphQl api for getting the newPartnumber's Handle console.log(newPartNumber,"newPartNumber") // Replace 'YOUR_STOREFRONT_ACCESS_TOKEN' with your actual Storefront API token const storefrontAccessToken = '275e2c2c71750cf915068494bbd5c366'; async function getHandle() { var proHandleDet = []; const resData = await fetch("https://bertazzoniparts.myshopify.com/api/2023-04/graphql.json", { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Shopify-Storefront-Access-Token': storefrontAccessToken, }, body: JSON.stringify({ query: `{ products(query: "${newPartNumber}", first: 10) { nodes { handle } } } `, }), }); console.log("resData",resData) const handleResult = await resData.json(); console.log("handleResult",handleResult) if (handleResult.data.products) { proHandleDet.push(handleResult.data.products); } // } console.log(proHandleDet,"proHandleDet"); proHandleDet[0].nodes.forEach(product => { const { title, description, variants, handle, images } = product; console.log("handle1212",handle) // $(".subsitutemsg").css("display","block"); $(".cms-product-meta.clearfix").css("display","none"); $('.group-button-buyitnow ').css("display","none"); $(".more-info").append(`
This part is no longer available, but the part listed below is comparable and can be used instead
View Substitute Part # ${newPartNumber}
View Part`); $(".product-iteam").show(); //$(".subsitutemsg").append('
This part is no longer available, but the part(s) listed below is comparable and can be used instead. !
View Substitute part : '+newPartNumber+'
View Part
'); $('.productAvailability1').html(" Out of Stock "); console.log("handle",handle) }); } getHandle(); setTimeout(function(){ setTimeout(function(){ $(document).find('.shopify-payment-button__button').hide(); } ,3000) } ,3000) return; } } if(response.quantity != 0 && response.quantity != -999) { var quantity = response.quantity; jQuery('#AddToCart').removeAttr("disabled"); jQuery('#AddToCart').removeClass("disabled"); // jQuery('.btnAddToCart span').text("Add to Cart"); jQuery('.productAvailability1').addClass("instock productAvailability"); jQuery('.productAvailability1').removeClass("outstock"); jQuery('.productAvailability1').removeClass("pro_outofstock"); if(product_id != '') {//5501745430684 jQuery('.productAvailability1').html(" In Stock - order placed today by 3pm EST will ship today Fast, Convenient Delivery! We know you need your parts shipped and delivered FAST! Any IN STOCK order placed today by 3pm will ship TODAY or you will receive 20% off your next order. We strive to provide you with the most accurate ETAs and updates for Out of Stock items.
$ ${partprice}
` // console.log("DivappendDivappend",Divappend) var tempContainer = document.createElement('div'); tempContainer.innerHTML = Divappend; var BoughtTogetherDiv = document.getElementById('faq_flex'); BoughtTogetherDiv.append(tempContainer.firstChild); // $('#product-append').append(Divappend); }); } if (Data.node) { Data.node.forEach(node => { const partBasePN = node.basePN; // const partCategoryName = node.categoryName; // console.log("partCategoryName",partCategoryName) // var formattedCategoryName = partCategoryName.split(',').map(category => category.trim()).join(' | '); // console.log("formattedCategoryName", formattedCategoryName); // categoryArray.push(partCategoryName); const partMfgName = node.mfgName; const partDescription = node.partDescription; const partNumber = node.partNumber; console.log("partNumber",partNumber) const imagePath = node.picturePath; console.log("imagePath",imagePath) const partPrice = node.partPrice; console.log("partPrice",partPrice) // if (partCategoryName && partCategoryName.length > 0) { // partCategoryName.forEach(function(tag) { // if (tag.startsWith("subcate:")) { // subcatArray.push(tag.split(":")[1]); // } else if (tag.startsWith("webcat:")) { // webcatArray.push(tag.split(":")[1]); // } // }); // } let finalPath; if (imagePath.startsWith("http")) { // If imagePath starts with 'http', use the same path finalPath = imagePath; } else { // If imagePath does not start with 'http', prepend the necessary URL finalPath = "https://encompass-11307.kxcdn.com/imageDisplay?" + imagePath; } console.log("finalPath", finalPath); // finalPath = finalPath.replace(/([?&]size=)[^&]*/, '$1s'); // console.log("finalPath for single product page",finalPath); var Divappend = `
` // console.log("DivappendDivappend",Divappend) var tempContainer = document.createElement('div'); tempContainer.innerHTML = Divappend; var BoughtTogetherDiv = document.getElementById('faq_flex'); BoughtTogetherDiv.append(tempContainer.firstChild); // $('#product-append').append(Divappend); // }); }); } }); } } getFBTProduct_Details() $(document).on('click',".modellistpara,.add_to_cart_encompass",function(){ handleClick(this); }); } else{ console.log("inside the else condition if FBT Data is no there") $('.box_data').hide(); } // var pro_arr = []; // const storefrontAccessToken = '275e2c2c71750cf915068494bbd5c366'; // const resp = fetch("https://bertazzoniparts.myshopify.com/api/2023-04/graphql.json", { // method: 'POST', // headers: { // 'Content-Type': 'application/json', // 'X-Shopify-Storefront-Access-Token': storefrontAccessToken, // }, // body: JSON.stringify({ // query: `{ // products(query: "${partNumber}", first: 250) { // nodes { // id // title // description // handle // variants(first: 10) { // nodes { // id // priceV2 { // amount // currencyCode // } // } // } // images(first: 250) { // nodes { // originalSrc // } // } // } // } // }` // }) // }) // .then(response => response.json()) // .then((data)=>{ // const productsListDiv = document.querySelector('.slick-carousel'); // const myData = data; // console.log('myData>>>',myData) // var variantProId = []; // myData.data.products.nodes.forEach(product => { // console.log("product",product) // const { title, variants,images, handle } = product; // const amount = variants.nodes[0].priceV2.amount; // const variantId = variants.nodes[0].id; // console.log("variantId",variantId) // var variantID = variantId.split('/').pop(); // console.log("variantID", variantID); // variantProId.push(variantID); // console.log("title>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>",title) // console.log("amount>>>>>>>>>>>",amount) // console.log("handle>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>",handle) // let imagesrc = ''; // if(images.nodes.length > 0 ){ // imagesrc = images.nodes[0].originalSrc; // }else{ // imagesrc = 'https://encompass-11307.kxcdn.com/imageDisplay?mfgCode=BRT&type=b&size=s'; // } // var bougntPara = `
// //
Price: $${amount}
// //
`; // console.log("bougntPara>>>>>",bougntPara) // var tempContainer = document.createElement('div'); // tempContainer.innerHTML = bougntPara; // var BoughtTogetherDiv = document.getElementById('faq_flex'); // BoughtTogetherDiv.append(tempContainer.firstChild); // // jQuery('.boughtaddtocart').click(function(event) { // // event.preventDefault(); // // const IdAttr = $(this).attr('IdAttr'); // // console.log("IdAttr shreya",IdAttr); // // if (IdAttr) { // // jQuery.ajax({ // // type: 'POST', // // url: '/cart/add.js', // // data: { // // quantity: 1, // // id: IdAttr // // }, // // success: function(response) { // // var responseData = JSON.parse(response); // // console.log("responseData",responseData) // // // window.location.reload(); // // }, // // error: function(xhr, status, error) { // // console.error("Error adding product to cart:", error); // // } // // }); // // } else { // // console.error("No matched variant ID found."); // // } // // }); // // productDiv.classList.add("two_flex"); // // console.log("imagesrc>>>>>>>>>>>>",imagesrc) // // const productDiv = document.createElement('div'); // // var para = `
// //
// // // //
// //
// //
// //
Price: $${amount}
// // View More // //
// //
`; // // productDiv.innerHTML = `
// //
// //
// //
// //
// // // // // // // //
// //
// //
// //
// //
// //
// //
// //
// // ${title} // //
// //
// //
// //
// // // // $${amount} // // // //
// //
// //
// // // //
// //
// //
// //
// // `; // //
// console.log(productDiv) // //productsListDiv.appendChild(productDiv); // }) // console.log("variantProId>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>",variantProId) // }).catch(error => { // return Promise.reject() // }); // let pro_cnt = pro_arr.length; // console.log("pro_cnt",pro_cnt) // var fbt_html = `
// // // //
// Bertazzoni X366GGVBI 36-Inch Pro-style Gas Range With 6 Sealed Burners //
// // $99,999.00 // //
// //
`; // //jQuery('.fbt-prod').append(response.fbtParts); // }); // end Frequently bought products // if(response.fbtParts != "") { // // console.log("fbt-prod",response.fbtParts); // response.fbtParts.forEach(function (arrayItem) { // var partNumber = arrayItem.partNumber; // console.log(partNumber); // var pro_arr = []; // const storefrontAccessToken = '275e2c2c71750cf915068494bbd5c366'; // const resp = fetch("https://bertazzoniparts.myshopify.com/api/2023-04/graphql.json", { // method: 'POST', // headers: { // 'Content-Type': 'application/json', // 'X-Shopify-Storefront-Access-Token': storefrontAccessToken, // }, // body: JSON.stringify({ // query: `{ // products(query: "${partNumber}", first: 250) { // nodes { // id // title // description // handle // variants(first: 10) { // nodes { // priceV2 { // amount // currencyCode // } // } // } // images(first: 250) { // nodes { // originalSrc // } // } // } // } // }` // }) // }) // .then(response => response.json()) // .then((data)=>{ // const productsListDiv = document.querySelector('.slick-carousel'); // const myData = data; // console.log('myData>>>',myData) // myData.data.products.nodes.forEach(product => { // console.log("product",product) // const { title, variants,images, handle } = product; // const amount = variants.nodes[0].priceV2.amount; // let imagesrc = ''; // if(images.nodes.length > 0 ){ // imagesrc = images.nodes[0].originalSrc; // }else{ // imagesrc = 'https://encompass-11307.kxcdn.com/imageDisplay?mfgCode=BRT&type=b&size=s'; // } // const productDiv = document.createElement('div'); // productDiv.classList.add("two_flex"); // var para = `
// //
Price: $${amount}
// View More //
`; // productDiv.innerHTML = `
// // // //
// ${title} //
// // $${amount} // //
// //
// `; // //
// console.log(productDiv) // //productsListDiv.appendChild(productDiv); // }) // }).catch(error => { // return Promise.reject() // }); // let pro_cnt = pro_arr.length; // console.log("pro_cnt",pro_cnt) // var fbt_html = `
// // // //
// Bertazzoni X366GGVBI 36-Inch Pro-style Gas Range With 6 Sealed Burners //
// // $99,999.00 // //
// //
`; // //jQuery('.fbt-prod').append(response.fbtParts); // }); // } } }); //Compatible model // jQuery.ajax({ // url: 'https://fridgeparts.us/bertazzonipartsapp/admin_ajax.php', // type: 'POST', // data: { // action : 'get_compatible_models', // shop : shop, // variant_barcode : variant_barcode, // }, // success: function(data){ // // console.log("get_compatible_models",data); // var response = JSON.parse(data) // if(response.compatibleModels != "") { // jQuery('#compatible').html(''); // var modelCount = response.compatibleModels.length; // var html_data = '
- '; // for (var i = 0; i < modelCount; i++) { // var model = response.compatibleModels[i]; // var modelLink = model.replace("/", "-"); // modelLink = modelLink.replace("/", "-"); // if(i % 10 == 0 && i != 0){ // html_data += '
- '; // } // html_data +='
- '+model+' '; // } // html_data += '
'; // jQuery('#compatible').html( html_data); // }else{ // jQuery('#compatible').html('
No model found for this product/parts.
'); // } // } // }); // $('.Frequently-Bought-slider').slick({ // slidesToShow: 5, // slidesToScroll: 1, // arrows: true, // autoplay: true, // autoplaySpeed: 2000, // prevArrow: '
', // nextArrow: '
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- Description
- Compatible models
Lokring Appliance Lrsm Cutting Wheel - L13001304
The Lokring Appliance Lrsm Cutting Wheel - L13001304 is the correct replacement for the following model numbers
Frequently Bought Together