Financial Aid Services | Queens College, CUNY (2025)

Office Information

Virtual Appointments: Schedule your appointment using QC Navigate

Fresh Service: Submit a ticket using the Fresh Service Portal

E-Mail: sure to include your CUNYfirst id #when sending an email) ​

The Office of Financial Aid Services uses Navigate, Fresh Service and e-mail as our official methods of communication. In order to assure that you receive all communications related to your application, please make sure the e-mail address that you provided on your application is correct. Please add Queens College to your address book to avoid e-mails from being sent to spam folders.​

Virtual Summer Navigate/Zoom Hours:

Monday – Thursday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Friday: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm (June 21, 2024 & July 5, 2024)*

Summer Office Hours:

Monday – Thursday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm*

*Virtual and in-person services will be closed on Fridays throughout the Summer


Office of Financial Aid Services

65-30 Kissena Blvd Dining Hall Room 128

Flushing, NY 11367

College Codes

FAFSACollege Code –002690

TAP College Code –1416

2024-25 TAP application Updates
  • In light of the recent delays in receiving ISIR data, HESC continues to allow students to submit a 2024-25 TAP application prior to submitting their 2024-25 FAFSA. Despite the allowance for TAP submissions, all students are required to submit their 2024-25 FAFSA by June 30, 2024. While the FAFSA is not required for submission of the TAP application, it is necessary for HESC to process the application. Therefore, the 2024-25 TAP application for any student who has not filed a 2024-25 FAFSA by June 30, 2024, will be purged. Students whose TAP applications are purged will need to refile their 2024-2025 TAP application after completing their 2024-25 FAFSA form.

IMPORTANT: If you are completing the 2024-25 TAP application through the Dream Act, you are not required to complete the 2024-25 FASFA application.

  • Under the leadership of Governor Hochul,TAP continues to receive unprecedented funding to expand educational opportunities.

    The FY 2025 Budget introduces an increase in TAP funding to support significant enhancements that will benefit more students across New York State starting in the 2024-25 academic year:

    • The minimum Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) award will increase from $500 to $1,000.
    • Dependent student net taxable income (NTI) limit for TAP eligibility will increase from $80,000 to $125,000.
    • Independent married student NTI limit will increase from $40,000 to $60,000.
    • Independent single student NTI limit will increase from $10,000 to $30,000.
2023-2024 V4/V5 Statement of Education Purpose

For students selected to submit the 2023-2024 V4/V5 Statement of Education Purpose:

You must log into your Student Forms account in order to access the V4/V5 Statement of Educational Purpose form. Once logged in, you will be able to download the form. You have two options in providing your Identity and Statement of Educational Purposedocument:

1) Able to appear in person at the school:

The student must appear in person at Queens College to verify his or her identity by presenting an unexpired valid government issued photo identification (ID), such as, but not limited to, a driver’s license, other state-issued ID, or passport (Military IDs are not acceptable due to limitations on making copies) along with the Identity and Statement of Educational Purpose form. Below are the dates and times in which you can bring in your documents to the Office of Financial Aid Services located in the Dining Hall, Room 128

Wednesday, June 14, 2023, through Wednesday, July 12, 2023, between 10:00 am – 1:00 pm.

2) Unable to appear in person at the school:

If the student is unable to appear in person at Queens College to verify his or her identity, the student must provide to the institution:

a. A copy of the unexpired valid government-issued photo identification (ID) that is acknowledged in the notary statement, or that is presented to a notary, such as, but not limited to, a driver’s license, other state-issued ID, or passport (Military IDs are not acceptable due to limitations on making copies); and

b. The original Statement of Educational Purpose, which must be notarized. You would mail the notarized form along with the copy of your ID to the below address as listed on the Identity and Statement of Educational Purpose form:

Queens College

65-30 Kissena Boulevard, Dining Hall, Room 128

Flushing, NY 11367

Fall 2024 - Important Dates & Deadlines
  • The last day to submit a SAP appeal for Fall 2024 will be Friday, November 1, 2024. However, if you completed your 2024-2025 FAFSA after the above deadline, the SAP committee may be able to review your appeal.
  • The last day to declare your major will be Thursday, September 17, 2024 for Fall 2024 state aid eligibility.
  • The deadline to complete the Excelsior Scholarship application for the Fall 2024 semester will be Thursday, August, 31, 2024.
  • The last day ​to add courses will be Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Your registration as of September 3rd will be used to determine your maximum financial aid eligibility for the semester (grants, loans and work-study). The Office of Financial Aid Services has outlined the Fall 2024 Registration and Financial Aid Disbursement Processes.
  • Visit the Senator Jose Peralta NYS Dream Act website for information on how to apply for New York State-administered grants and scholarships to support your higher education.
Spring 2024 - Important Dates & Deadlines
  • The last day for a student only enrolled for Spring 2024 to have a valid (non-rejected) 2023-2024 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on file is Wednesday, May 22, 2024.
  • The last day to apply for a Direct Loan is Friday, May 3, 2024.
  • The last day to submit a SAP appeal for the Spring 2024 semester is Friday, March 1, 2024. However, if you completed your 2023-2024 FAFSA after the above deadline, the SAP committee may be able to review your appeal.
  • The last day to complete the Supplement form for APTS – Aid for Part-Time Studies is Monday, February 26, 2024.
  • The last day to declare your major is Wednesday, February 14, 2024 for Spring 2024 state aid eligibility.
  • The deadline to fill out the Excelsior Scholarship application is Friday, February 2, 2024. If you first received the award in the Fall Term of the current academic year, no additional action is needed for the Spring Term.
  • Visit the Senator Jose Peralta NYS Dream Act website for information on how to apply for New York State-administered grants and scholarships to support your higher education.
  • The last day to add courses is Wednesday, January 31, 2024. Your registration as of January 31st will be used to determine your maximum financial aid eligibility for the semester (grants, loans, and work-study). The Financial Aid office has outlined the Spring 2024 Registration and Financial Aid Disbursement Processes.
Financing your College Education presentation

Financing your College Education 2024-2025

SEEK Orientation - FA presentation

SEEK Orientation Presentation

Useful Telephone Numbers

Direct Loan Inquiries1-800-848-0979

FAFSA Application Status1-800-433-3243

FAFSA Technical Assistance1-800-433-3243

Internal Revenue Service1-800-829-1040

NYS TAP Processing/Status1-888-697-4372

Helpful Links

College Preparation Checklist

Comparing Financial Aid Awards

CUNY Net Price Calculator

Estimating College Costs

FAFSA application – Free Application for Federal Student Aid

Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) – Contact Information

Instructions to upload documents via CUNYFirst (FileNet)

One-Time Student Loan Debt Relief


Student Loan Debt Forgiveness

TAP/Excelsior/Dream Act applications

Financial Aid Services | Queens College, CUNY (2025)


How do I contact CUNY financial aid? ›

You can call 1-800-433-3243 for help with filling out your fafsa or to obtain a paper application.

Does CUNY have financial aid? ›

Based on your financial need, CUNY constructs a financial aid package for you. The financial aid package may include various types of financial aid to help cover all or part of your college costs. If you have financial need, you may also be eligible for grants, work-study and subsidized loans.

How to check financial aid package CUNY? ›

  1. From the Enterprise Menu, select the HR/Campus Solutions link. ...
  2. Navigate to: Self Service > Student Center. ...
  3. In the Finances section, click the View Financial Aid link. ...
  4. On the Select Aid Year to View page in the Aid Year column, click the link for the year that you wish to view.

How do I contact financial aid Queens College? ›

The Financial Aid and Registrar Office / QC Hub can be reached by email . Students can also visit the QC Hub . Phone # 718-997-4141 .

Who should I talk to about financial aid? ›

FSAIC responds to inquiries from a variety of communication channels, including phone calls to 1-800-4-FED-AID, live online help (chat), email.

How can I contact someone at FAFSA? ›

If you don't have an FSA ID and think this is an error, please call Federal Student Aid at 1-800-433-3243 for assistance with your FSA ID.

Who qualifies for free CUNY tuition? ›

Enroll at a 2-year or 4-year CUNY or SUNY college. Be pursuing an associate's or bachelor's degree. Attend school full time. Earn $125,000 or less (household federal adjusted gross income)

Does CUNY give money to students? ›

There are more than 1,000 scholarships, awards and special program opportunities offered throughout CUNY and its 24 colleges. Some scholarships are designed to help students as they begin their college careers, others are awarded as they progress in their major. Some are based on need and others on merit.

How does CUNY disburse financial aid? ›

Difference between Disbursement and Refund

Your financial aid is disbursed to your CUNYfirst account, not to you personally. Only after all charges on your account are satisfied will you see your refund. Refunds are processed 3-5 days after a financial aid payment appears on your CUNYfirst account.

How to accept financial aid offer CUNY? ›

STEP# 1: Login to CUNYfirst at STEP# 2: Select HR/Campus Solutions from the left menu. STEP# 3: Navigate to Self Service followed by Student Center. STEP# 4: In the Finances section, click the Accept/Decline Awards link.

What is the financial aid award for CUNY? ›

Undergraduate TAP awards range from $500 to $5,165 annually. Maximum TAP awards cannot exceed the college's resident tuition. If there is a TAP award on your CUNY financial aid award letter, note that the amount of the award is an estimate.

What is your financial aid package? ›

A financial aid package is the total amount of financial aid (federal and nonfederal) a student is offered by a college or career school. The school's financial aid staff combines various forms of aid into a "package" to help meet a student's education costs.

Is FAFSA for CUNY? ›

* FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid): To apply on the web: ** TAP/APTS (Tuition Assistance Program / Aid for Part Time Study) Every CUNY applicant who completes the FAFSA on-line will be directed to the New York State TAP on-line application.

How much is Queens College without financial aid? ›

Tuition and Fees (2024)
New York State Resident$305 per credit$470 per credit
Out-of-State Resident$620 per credit$855 per credit

How to get financial aid in New York? ›

To apply for federal student aid and NY state aid, you need to complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and TAP (Tuition Assistance Program) application. Completing and submitting the applications are free and quick, and it gives you access to the largest source of financial aid to pay for college.

How to get in contact with CUNY? ›

General Contact Information
  1. City University of New York. University Offices. 205 East 42nd Street. New York, NY 10017. 1-800-CUNY-YES (1-800-286-9937) ...
  2. 212-997-CUNY (2869)
  4. Records Access Officer. 205 East 42nd Street. New York, NY 10017.

How do I contact CUNY payment plan? ›

CUNY Tuition Payment Plan

For more information visit or call 1 888-470-6014.

What times can you call FAFSA? ›

Hours of Operation

Monday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Tuesday - Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Thursday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.