All Overwatch 2 Characters - Overwatch 2 Guide - IGN (2024)


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On this page of the Overwatch 2 Wiki, you will find a list of all the Overwatch 2 Heroes and their abilities.

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Junker Queen















Soldier: 76







Wrecking Ball




Formerly the second in command of Overwatch, Ana Amari is a Support hero who excels in dishing out long-range healing and damage. While her kit requires considerable accuracy, her ability to not only briefly incapacitate enemies but prevent them from being healed with Biotic Grenade can make all the difference in a fight.


Biotic RifleAna’s Biotic Rifle is a long-range weapon that shoots darts that heal her teammates and damage enemy heroes. Holding her secondary fires allows you to zoom in using the Biotic Rifle’s scope.
Sleep DartFires a dart that puts an enemy to sleep.
Biotic GrenadeThrows a grenade that heals and increases healing on allies, while damaging and preventing healing on enemies.
Nano BoostIncreases an ally’s damage, while reducing damage taken.
Role: SupportAutomatically heal over time.

Tips for Playing Ana

  • Positioning is everything. Take the high ground whenever possible and practice throwing your Biotic Grenades or “antis” so that your grenades arc and land where you want them to.
  • Use the new ping system to point out enemies hit with Sleep Darts (or “sleeps”) to teammates. In general, use your comms to call out for help when a flanker gets to you. You are no use to your team dead or making the long trek back from spawn.


The leader of the infamous Deadlock Gang, Ashe knows how to pick off enemies from afar. A quick shot from her Coach Gun keeps incoming enemies from getting too close, and can even be aimed at the ground to boost you up to higher platforms, giving you more vertical mobility.



The ViperPrimary fire is a semi-automatic rifle. Hold secondary fire to zoom in, increasing both the damage and accuracy but slowing your rate of fire.
Coach GunBlast enemies in front of you and knock yourself backwards.
DynamiteThrow an explosive that detonates after a short delay or immediately when shot.
B.O.B.Deploy Bob. He charges forward and knocks enemies into the air, then attacks with his arm cannons.
Role: DamageEliminations grant a burst of increased movement and reload speed.

Tips for Playing Ashe

  • While Ashe’s secondary fire is more powerful and accurate, don’t be afraid to use the hip fire from her semi-automatic rifle.
  • By aiming the Coach Gun at the ground beneath your feet, you can use Coach Gun to propel yourself to higher platforms.
  • After throwing your Dynamite, shooting it causes it to explode early. Shoot your Dynamite mid-air or before its detonation, and experiment with timing so your Dynamite when it s surrounded by the most enemies.


Once an operative for Talon, Baptiste has since dedicated his life to helping Overwatch and helping those in need. The healing projectiles from his Biotic Launcher can heal multiple allies when grouped up, and the timing of Baptiste’s Immortality Field can literally mean the difference between life and death for an ally in a tricky situation.

Biotic LauncherPrimary fire is a three-round burst gun. Secondary fire lobs a healing projectile that heals all allies near the impact.
Regenerative BurstActivate to heal yourself and nearby allies instantly, with additional healing over time. Instant heal is doubled for targets less than half health.
Immortality FieldToss a device that prevents allies from dying. The device can be destroyed.


Amplification MatrixProject a matrix that doubles the damage and healing effects of allied projectiles.
Role: SupportAutomatically heal over time.
Exo BootsHold crouch to jump higher.

Tips for Playing Baptiste

  • Baptiste’s healing capabilities will always be strong, but the nature of his Biotic Launcher, which only affects the area of impact, makes Baptiste most effective when the map or game mode requires your allies to stay grouped up.
  • Use Baptiste’s jump to reach higher platforms, giving yourself both a better angle on healing your allies and a view of incoming enemies.
  • Amplification Matrix can be used not only to deal massive damage to an incoming wave of enemies but to effectively “zone” them as well. When the Amplification Matrix (or “window”) is placed in a narrow “chokepoint” on the map, enemies will often break line of sight to avoid being shot down by amplified enemy damage, thereby halting their push.


Bastion was once one of many combatants that fought in the Omnic Crisis, but now that the war is over, this curious robot now aids Overwatch in protecting humanity. His ability to switch between various weapon configurations makes him a powerful Damage hero capable of bringing an incoming enemy push to a complete stop.

Configuration: AssaultA slow-moving tank with a powerful rotary cannon.
Configuration: ReconMobile, with a lightweight and highly accurate weapon.
A-36 Tactical GrenadeFire a bomb that bounces off walls and explodes when it impacts enemies or the ground.
ReconfigureSwitch between weapon configurations.
Configuration: ArtilleryBecome immobile and fire up to 3 powerful artillery shells.
Role: DamageEliminations grant a burst of increased movement and reload speed.


Tips for Playing Bastion

  • Play more offensively while in Bastion’s Assault configuration. The Assault configuration does have a cooldown, so use it tactically. Some good uses would be to swiftly break an enemy shield, pick off an Ulting enemy, or finish off a bunch of low health targets quickly.
  • Aim your A-36 Tactical Grenades towards small, narrow spaces to “zone” enemies or to pick off any unlucky heroes caught unaware. You can bounce your Grenades off walls to reach enemies that might be outside of your direct line of sight.


Brigitte is far more than just Reinhardt’s squire. She fights on the front lines to protect, heal, and clash with any enemy who dares break her line of defense. Brigitte excels in keeping her allies topped off on health while also shielding them from danger.

Rocket FlailMelee weapon with extended range.
Repair PackHeals an ally for a short duration.
Whip ShotLaunch your flail forward to knock an enemy away from you.
Barrier ShieldHold secondary fire to deploy a frontal energy barrier.
Shield BashAvailable when Barrier Shield is deployed. Dash forward to knock back an enemy.
RallyMove faster and provide extra health to nearby allies.
Role: SupportAutomatically heal over time.
InspireDealing damage to enemies heals nearby allies.

Tips for Playing Brigitte

  • You can use Brigitte’s Shield Bash to travel forward more quickly. Shield Bash could even be used as a quick burst of speed to escape the range of an enemy Ultimate.
  • Combo your Whip Shot and Shield Bash to send an enemy flying back into the enemy backline or even off the edge of the map.
  • Since dealing damage does passive healing to your teammates, try to deal spurts of damage whenever possible without the risk of dying. Your passive healing lasts briefly after your last swing, so even the quickest hit on an enemy can help keep your team afloat.



In the true style of an outlaw, Cassidy is superior not just at picking off stray enemies from afar with his powerful revolver, but invading the enemy backline and dealing out damage when they least expect it.

PeacekeeperPrimary fire is an accurate, powerful revolver. Secondary fire wildly fires remaining any rounds.
Combat RollRoll in the direction you’re moving and reload.
Magnetic GrenadeThrow a short-range grenade that homes in on nearby enemies and deals additional damage if it sticks to them.
DeadeyeFace off against your enemies. Press Q to lock on, then Q or primary fire to fire.
Role: DamageEliminations grant a burst of increased movement and reload speed.

Tips for Playing Cassidy

  • Try to be precise when aiming Cassidy’s Magnetic Grenade at an enemy. If you stick the Grenade to an enemy, it will deal extra damage.
  • Take advantage of high-ground positioning whenever possible. Flanking behind the enemy team and using high-ground platforms gives you a better view to aim from, particularly using your Deadeye Ultimate.


Just as Doomfist leads Talon in its goal to unleash an earth-shattering war to “strengthen” humanity, this Tank hero will lead your team to victory. Wherever Doomfist goes, enemies are sure to retreat. His intimidating Seismic Slam and Rocket Punch will finish off any low-health hero with ease.


Hand CannonShort-range weapon with spread. Reloads automatically.
Seismic SlamLeap and smash the ground.
Power BlockProtect yourself from frontal attacks. Blocking heavy damage empowers Rocket Punch.
Rocket PunchHold to charge then release to launch forward and knock an enemy back. Damage increases if the enemy hits a wall.
Meteor StrikeLeap up into the air. Move the targeting circle, then press the primary fire to strike the targeted area.
Role: TankReduces knockbacks received. Less ultimate generated by healing and damage received.
The Best Defense...Dealing damage with abilities creates temporary personal health.

Tips for Playing Doomfist

  • If you are low on health, keep swinging. Doomfist’s “The Best Defense…” passive ability gives him a small amount of extra health when damage is dealt with his abilities.
  • While Doomfist is a powerful “zoning” Tank, excellent at intimidating the enemy team into backing up, be wary not to leave your team in the lurch by “overextending”. When you travel too far into the enemy’s position on the map, or out of your Support’s line of sight, your teammates will not be able to help you should you get into a sticky situation.
  • Your Power Block ability does not last very long, so use Power Block often whenever enemy damage is concentrated on you. The more damage you take while Power Block is active, the more you charge up your Rocket Punch, similar to Zarya’s Barriers. Use Seismic Slam to get the high-ground advantage when possible. gave up her life as a professional gamer to put her skills to use piloting her mech to keep her country safe. Her Boosters give her a massive advantage with mobility, and her Defense Matrix takes any incoming projectiles completely out of the equation.



Fusion CannonsAutomatic short-range spread weapons.
Light GunAutomatic weapon.
BoostersFly in the direction you are facing.
Defense MatrixBlock projectiles in an area in front of you.
Micro MissilesLaunch a volley of explosive rockets.
Self-DestructEject and overload your mech, causing it to explode after a short time.
Call MechCall down a new mech.
Role: TankReduces knockbacks received. Less ultimate generated by healing and damage received.
Eject!Eject out of your mech when it is destroyed.

Tips for Playing

  • Be mindful not to use your Boosters to fly too far into the enemy backline before the end of the boost duration. Press Boosters a second time while the ability is active to cancel the effect.
  • Using boosters to knock supports out of position is a great way to neutralize the enemy support line without diving in too deep.
  • Save your Defense Matrix not just for enemy projectiles but use it to absorb powerful enemy abilities such as grenades. Some enemy Ultimates can even be “eaten” with Defense Matrix, such as Mei’s Blizzard or Zarya’s Graviton Surge if timed correctly.


Echo is a Damage hero who can adapt to any situation, thanks to her artificial intelligence programmed by Overwatch’s Dr. Mina Liao. She is the perfect hero to pick if your team needs more vertical mobility.

Tri-ShotFires three shots at once, in a triangle pattern.
Sticky BombsFire a volley of sticky bombs that detonate after a delay.
FlightFly forward quickly and then free-fly briefly.
Focusing BeamChannel a beam for a few seconds. Deals very high damage to targets under half health.


DuplicateBecome a copy of the targeted enemy hero. They cannot swap heroes for the duration.
Role: DamageEliminations grant a burst of increased movement and reload speed.
GlideHold jump to glide while falling.

Tips for Playing Echo

  • Use Echo’s Focusing Beam to finish off low-health targets. This ability deals extra damage to half-health enemies, making her the ideal Damage hero to fly above the enemy frontlines to pick off squishy enemy heroes.
  • While using her Duplicate Ultimate to transform into an enemy hero, Echo generates that enemy hero’s Ultimate more rapidly than normal. When choosing which enemy hero to copy, think about which enemy heroes’ Ultimate would be the most useful to your team.


Once a proud member of the Shimada clan, Genji uses his augmented cyborg body to help his teammates with ninja agility and piercing shurikens.

ShurikenPrimary fire throws an accurate burst of three projectiles. Secondary fire throws a fan of three projectiles in an arc.
DeflectDeflect incoming projectiles towards the direction you are aiming and block melee attacks.
Swift StrikeRapidly dash forward and inflict damage on enemies. Eliminations reset the cooldown.
DragonbladeUnsheathe a deadly melee weapon.
Role: DamageEliminations grant a burst of increased movement and reload speed.
Cyber-agilityClimb on walls and double jump.


Tips for Playing Genji

  • Pay close enough attention to which Ultimates your enemies have used, you might be able to time your Deflect ability to effectively cancel an enemy Ultimate (such as Cassidy’s Deadeye).
  • Genji is a Damage hero with incredible vertical mobility, so use Wall Climb to steal high-ground advantage from enemies whenever possible.
  • Using Swift Strike to launch yourself up in the air can help you combo your Dragonblade Ultimate with Ana’s Nano Boost Ultimate. In general, leaping into the air before “ulting” will give you a better position to choose which enemy to target with your first Dragonblade strike.


Hanzo skillfully uses his enhanced arrows to snipe enemies from afar, using his agility and wall-climbing abilities to get the drop on the enemy team.

Storm BowThe next five arrows fire instantly at reduced damage.
Storm ArrowsDeflect incoming projectiles towards the direction you are aiming and block melee attacks.
Sonic ArrowReveals enemies for a short time upon impact.
LungeDouble jump.
DragonstrikeLaunch a deadly Dragon Spirit that devastates enemies it passes through.
Role: DamageEliminations grant a burst of increased movement and reload speed.
Wall ClimbJump at walls to climb up them.

Tips for Playing Hanzo

  • Remember that, much like Widowmaker’s sniper rifle, the longer you hold your arrow, the more damage it does.
  • Storm Arrows is an effective ability to finish off low enemies, especially considering it does reduced damage.
  • You can fire your Sonic Arrow ability at an enemy spawn room, particularly while on the defending team, to determine which heroes the enemy team has.


Junker Queen

Ruling over Junkertown and the battlefield alike, Junker Queen delights in diving into the fray as a Tank hero in Overwatch 2.

ScattergunPump action shotgun.
Jagged BladeActive ability, throw the blade, re-activate to pull it back, along with any impaled enemy. Passive ability, wound enemies hit by Quick Melee or Throw, dealing damage over time.
Commanding ShoutGrants temporary health and movement speed to yourself and your allies.
CarnageWound all enemies in front of you, dealing damage over time.
RampageCharge forward. Wounds enemies, dealing damage over time and preventing them from being healed.
Role: TankReduces knockbacks received. Less ultimate generated by healing and damage received.
Adrenaline RushHeal from all damage over time dealt by wounds.

Tips for Playing Junker Queen

  • Sinking Junker Queen’s Jagged Blade into an enemy across a steep drop and then recalling it can instantly send them pummeling off the map.
  • Use Commanding Shout to give you and your teammates a speed boost out of the spawn room, or to launch yourselves quickly onto the objective. You can combo Commanding Shout after Lucio’s Speed Boost to give your team even more movement speed.
  • Carnage is great for more than just finishing off low-health targets. Use it whenever an enemy comes within range to trigger Junker Queen’s Adrenaline Rush passive and start generating some health.

Junk Rat

Junk Rat thrives in chaos as a Damage hero, lobbing grenades from his frag launcher and immobilizing unlucky enemies in his Steel Trap.


Frag LauncherBouncing explosive projectile weapon.
Concussion MineThrow a knockback mine and then detonate it.
Steel TrapPlace a crippling trap.
Rip-TireDrive and detonate an exploding tire.
Role: DamageEliminations grant a burst of increased movement and reload speed.
Total MayhemDeals no damage to self with explosives. Drop bombs on death.

Tips for Playing Junkrat

  • Be sure to ping any enemies that get stuck in your Steel Traps so that any nearby teammates can take advantage of the opportunity to finish the enemy player off before they escape.
  • Small corridors and other narrow areas are generally great places to place your Steel Traps.
  • Similarly, Junkrat is especially effective on maps with narrow areas and corridors, since his primary fire bounces off of walls.
  • You can use his Concussive Mines to launch yourself forward if you activate the ability while standing slightly in front of the mine.


Blending ninja agility with her healing abilities, Kiriko is a versatile Support hero tasked with protecting the Kanezaka shrine and now with helping Overwatch.



Healing OfudaChannel a burst of healing talismans that can seek targeted allies.
KunaiThrown projectile that deals increased critical damage.
Swift StepTeleport directly to an ally.
Protection SuzuThrow a protective charm to make allies become briefly invulnerable and cleansed of most negative effects.
Kitsune RushSummon a fox spirit that rushes forward, accelerating the movement, attack speed, and cooldowns of allies that follow in its path.
Role: SupportAutomatically heal over time.
Wall ClimbDealing damage to enemies heals nearby allies.

Tips for Playing Kiriko

  • Sending out your Ofuda rapid-fire can keep an ally who’s only being peppered with damage topped off, but you get more burst healing when all five of your paper tags are available. Wait for all your Ofuda to return to you before sending out healing for maximum effect.
  • Knowing when and when not to put your abilities on cooldown is always important for a Support hero. However, the massive mitigating power of Kiriko’s Protection Suzu makes tracking the enemy team’s Ultimates all the more crucial. When used at the right moment, the Protection Suzu can essentially nullify the effects of many Ultimates, including’s Self-Destruct or Mei’s Blizzard.
  • If you are tracking the enemy team’s Ultimates, it is a good idea to save your Swift Step to quickly escape the range of an enemy Ultimate. Even if a nearby teammate is not out of the Ultimate’s range, Swift Step has a small window in which Kiriko is invulnerable. If you time it perfectly, you might escape unscathed.
  • You can send the Kitsune Rush out straight ahead, paving a path of destruction for your teammates to follow, but don’t be afraid to place the Kitsune Rush in horizontally or in other directions to give your team more angles to rip and shred the enemy team.


Just as Lucio blends his international music career with his battlefield prowess, Lucio is a Support hero that can swap between healing his teammates and boosting their movement speed at the drop of a beat.

Sonic AmplifierSonic projectile launcher.
CrossfadeSwitches between two songs: Healing Boost heals nearby allies, and Speed Boost makes nearby allies move faster.
Amp It Up Increase the effectiveness of your current song.
SoundwaveCreate a short-range blast wave to knock enemies away from you.


Sound BarrierCreate temporary extra health for nearby allies.
Role: SupportAutomatically heal over time.
Wall RideJump onto a wall to ride along it.

Tips for Lucio

  • No matter which Support hero you intend to play, you can start in the spawn room as Lucio to use Amp It Up to Speed Boost your teammates quickly out of spawn, before switching back to another Support hero.
  • Try to use Wall Ride as much as possible. Conserve your Speed Boost for when your team pushes onto the enemy team, or attempts to take the payload or objective.
  • Be mindful of using your Sound Barrier when there is a Sombra on the enemy team. If Sombra uses her EMP Ultimate while Sound Barrier is active, Sombra’s ultimate will cancel Sound Barrier’s effects. Instead, wait for Sombra to use her ultimate first to be sure Sound Barrier will not be canceled.


Once a researcher, Mei helps Overwatch face brand new threats in the lab and on the battlefield, with an arsenal of weapons that can alter the weather, freezing her enemies.

Endothermic BlasterPrimary fire is a short-range spray weapon that slows enemies. Secondary fire is a long-range icicle launcher.
Cryo-freezeBecome invulnerable and heal yourself.
Ice WallCreate a wall of ice in front of you.
Blizzard Launch a weather control drone that freezes enemies in a wide area.
Role: DamageEliminations grant a burst of increased movement and reload speed.


Tips for Playing Mei

  • Use Mei’s Ice Wall to cut off overextending enemy players from the rest of their team.
  • You can also put up Mei’s Ice Wall to create a shield for yourself and your team when you need to pull back from the fight or take a moment to recoup.


A guardian angel to her teammates, Mercy is a well-rounded Support hero who aids her allies by healing, resurrecting, and boosting their damage with her powerful Caduceus Staff.

Caduceus StaffHold primary fire to heal an ally. Hold secondary fire to increase an ally’s inflicted damage.
Caduceus BlasterAutomatic pistol weapon.
Guardian AngelFly towards an ally. While in flight, Jump launch you forward, and Crouch launches you upward.
Resurrect Revive a dead teammate.
Angelic DescentFall very slowly.
ValkyrieGain the ability to fly. Abilities are enhanced.
Role: SupportAutomatically heal over time.
RegenerationThe Role Support: passive is greatly increased compared to other Support heroes.

Tips for Playing Mercy

  • Although Mercy’s “Super Jump” ability from the original Overwatch is now fully incorporated into her kit, the vertical mobility of her Guardian Angel is slightly reduced. Mercy pairs especially well with flying characters for this reason (such as Pharah and Echo).
  • Using Mercy’s Guardian Angel ability to launch yourself onto the high ground when possible can help propel yourself out of danger and give you a better overview of your entire team.



A controversial scientist, Moira aids her teammates by combining her substantial healing abilities with her disturbing capability to decay life itself.

Biotic GraspHold primary fire to heal all allies in front of you. Consumes biotic energy. Secondary fire is a long-range beam weapon. Damage dealt heals you and replenishes your biotic energy.
Biotic OrbLaunch a bouncing sphere that either heals nearby allies or damages nearby enemies.
FadeDisappear, move faster, and become invulnerable, but you cannot use Biotic Grasp.
CoalescenceFire a beam that heals allies and damages enemies.
Role: SupportAutomatically heal over time.

Tips for Playing Moira

  • Press Jump at the end of Moira’s Fade ability to get some extra height as you come out of the effect.
  • Moira’s Biotic Grasp healing will continue to do some passive healing on targets after it touches them, so you do not have to give the Biotic Grasp healing too much juice to top off your teammates. Tap your primary fire to conserve your healing reserves when necessary.


Rebuilt from the scraps of an OR15 defense robot, Orisa defends her allies as a Tank hero using her javelin to absorb the shock of incoming blows and keeping enemies at bay with her augmented fusion driver.


Augmented Fusion DriverAutomatic heat-based weapon. Deals more damage at closer range.
Energy JavelinLaunch your javelin at an enemy to stun and knock them back. More effective if the enemy hits a wall.
FortifyGain temporary health, reducing all damage taken and becoming unstoppable. While active, heat generated by your weapon is reduced.
Javelin SpinSpin your javelin to destroy projectiles and block melee attacks, while also pushing enemies and increasing forward speed.
Terra SurgeSweep in enemies and anchor down, gaining the effects of Fortify and charging up a surge of damage. Use primary fire to unleash the surge early.
Role: TankReduces knockbacks received. Less ultimate generated by healing and damage received.

Tips for Playing Orisa

  • Orisa’s Terra Surge Ultimate pulls enemies in closer to you, making it the perfect Ultimate for combo-ing with other teammates’ Ultimate abilities (such as Pharah’s Barrage of Reaper’s Death Blossom.)
  • You can execute Orisa’s Terra Surge Ultimate ability before it is fully charged, should you realize you need to reposition quickly or for any other reason. However, you of course stand the best chance of killing enemy players the longer the Ultimate charges
  • Look for an opportunity to aim your Energy Javelin at enemy players when there is a wall behind them to deal extra damage.
  • Think of Orisa’s Javelin Spin as a means of pushing forward or mitigating damage for teammates, and Fortify as a means of protecting yourself from sticky situations.


Following in her mother's footsteps, Pharah takes to the skies to protect her teammates from above with volatile rockets, raining wrath upon enemies on the ground.



Rocket LauncherLong-range explosive projectile weapon.
Jump JetFly rapidly upwards.
Concussive BlastLaunch an explosive blast to knock back enemies.
Barrage Launch a continuous volley of mini-rockets.
Role: DamageEliminations grant a burst of increased movement and reload speed.
Hover JetsHold Jump to hover.

Tips for Playing Pharah

  • You can use Pharah’s Jump Jet ability in combination with aiming Concussive Blast at your feet to launch yourself farther backward. This ability combination is especially useful for propelling yourself quickly out of the spawn room at the start of a match.
  • Try to coordinate with your teammates, especially your tanks, once you earn your Barrage Ultimate. Combo-ing your Barrage with a Tank hero’s Ultimate that does crowd control ( for example Zarya’s Graviton Surge or Orisa’s Terra Surge) to increase the potential amount of targets your Barrage hits.


Formerly a member of the Shambali Monastery, Ramattra has transformed into the ruthless leader of Null Sector, hellbent on liberation for all omnics... not matter the cost.

Void Accelerator (Omnic Form)Fire a stream of projectiles.
Pummel (Nemesis Form)Punch, creating a wave of piercing energy with every swing.
Void Barrier (Omnic Form)Create a barrier at the targeted location.
Ravenous VortexFire a sphere of energy that creates a slowing vortex on the ground, damaging enemies within and pulling them downward.


Annihilation Enter Nemesis Form and create a deadly swarm that lashes out at nearby enemies, persisting longer when damaging enemies.
Role: TankReduces knockbacks received. Less ultimate generated by healing and damaged received. Increases base health in Role Queue game modes.

Tips for Playing Ramattra

  • Save your Ravenous Vortex to combine with Void Accelerator, slowing down your opponents to make them easy targets for your rapid fire stream of projectiles.
  • Nemesis Form is most effective while brawling. Hold onto your Nemesis Form cooldown until you are in the thick of it, then unleash your Pummel.
  • Your Annihilation Ultimate will last a long time so long as you have at least one enemy Hero trapped in its grasp. Start off on the right foot by unleashing your Ultimate in a crowded area, and keep pace with the enemy team to ensure you get the most use out of your Ult as possible.


This surly Damage hero dual wields shotguns, sneaking up behind his foes with teleporting and movement abilities that truly show that Reaper is but a ghost of his former self.

Hellfire ShotgunShort-range spread weapons.
Shadow StepTeleport to a targeted location.
Wraith FormMove faster and become invulnerable, but you cannot shoot.
Death BlossomSpin in a circle firing Hellfire Shotguns, damaging all nearby enemies.
Role: DamageEliminations grant a burst of increased movement and reload speed.
The ReapingDealing damage heals you.


Tips for Playing Reaper

  • Dealing damage to enemy players heals you, but do not let that trick you into thinking you can take on a 1v5 fight against the enemy team. The Reaping passive ability gives you more survivability when picking off supports in the backline or when flanking in general.


As a Tank hero, Reinhardt is as knightly as he is intimidating, defending his team with a massive shield barrier from enemy fire, or swinging his rocket-propelled hammer to deal the final blow.

Rocket HammerDevastating melee weapon.
ChargeCharge forward and smash an enemy against a wall.
Fire StrikeLaunch a fiery projectile.
Barrier FieldHold secondary fire to deploy a frontal energy barrier or “shield”.
EarthshatterKnock down all enemies in front of you.
Role: TankReduces knockbacks received. Less ultimate generated by healing and damage received.

Tips for Playing Reinhardt

  • Move your mouse in the same direction as Reinhardt’s Rocket Hammer to give his melee attack more effect. People are generally afraid of a big swinging hammer, so while holding your Barrier Field shield is important, swinging your hammer can also help zone enemies or push them back.
  • Now that your Fire Strike ability has two charges, you can use your Fire Strike more frequently. Fire Strike is a great ability for finishing off a low-health target or effectively “sniping” an enemy player from afar.



No one wants to be on the other end of Roadhog's hook. This fearsome Tank hero holds the frontline with his impressive hulking body, breathing in healing fumes whenever he takes a little bit of wear and tear.

Scrap GunPrimary fire in a short-range spread weapon. Secondary fire is a medium-range spread weapon.
Chain HookDrag a targeted enemy to you.
Take a BreatherHeal yourself and reduce damage taken over a short time.
Whole HogDamage and knock back enemies in front of you.
Role: TankReduces knockbacks received. Less ultimate generated by healing and damage received.

Tips for Playing Roadhog

  • Practice using Roadhog’s Chain Hook ability to drag enemies off the edge of the map. This ability makes Roadhog especially useful on maps with lots of edges and steep drops (such as Ilios or Nepal).
  • Roadhog’s Whole Hog Ultimate is particularly useful when used on enemies grouped up, particularly near the edge of the map, whether that edge is a steep dropoff or a corner. Whole Hog can propel enemies caught in its spread, effectively knocking them off the map or trapping them against a wall.


Able to manipulate gravity itself, Sigma keeps his enemies at bay with his recallable barrier and gravitational powers. Nothing escapes the grasp of this Tank hero.


HyperspeheresLaunch two charges which implode after a short duration, dealing damage in an area.
Kinetic GraspAbsorb projectiles in front of you and convert them into shields.
AccretionGather a mass of debris and throw it at an enemy to knock them down.
Experimental BarrierHold to propel a floating barrier; release to stop. Press again to recall the barrier to you.
Gravitic FluxManipulate gravity to lift enemies into the air and slam them back down.
Role: TankReduces knockbacks received. Less ultimate generated by healing and damage received.

Tips for Playing Sigma

  • Use Gravitic Flux at opportune moments such as mitigating an enemy player’s Ultimate or holding enemies in place while your teammates use their Ultimate (such as Pharah’s Barrage or Genji’s Dragonblade).
  • Do not be afraid to recall your Experimental Barrier so you can place another in a better position.


Sojourn joins the ranks of Damage heroes in Overwatch 2, and her kit promises new players not only extreme mobility but a versatility in her style of gameplay that will delight beginners and veterans alike.



RailgunPrimary fire rapid fires projectiles that generate energy on hit. Secondary fire is a high-impact shot that consumes stored energy.
Power SlideGround slide that can cancel into a high jump.
Disruptor ShotLaunch an energy burst that snares and deals damage to enemies within it.
OverclockRailgun energy auto-charges for a short duration and charged shots pierce enemies.
Role: DamageEliminations grant a burst of increased movement and reload speed.

Tips for Playing Sojourn

  • Sojourn’s Disruptor Shot ability is great not just for doing damage or slowing enemies but it can also “zone” enemies by cutting off small avenues or narrow spaces from incoming enemy players.
  • Remember that her Disruptor Shot is an orb and not a dome, so you can fire it and stick it to the sides of objects in the environment.
  • Press Jump at the end of your Power Slide ability to launch yourself up in the air. This can even be used to propel yourself onto some higher platforms.

Soldier: 76

A veteran of the battlefield, Soldier: 76 leads the charge for Overwatch with powerful agility and a highly-trained accuracy.

Heavy Pulse RifleAutomatic assault weapon.
SprintRun faster while moving forward.
Biotic FieldDeploy a field that heals you and your allies.
Helix RocketsLaunch a volley of explosive rockets.


Tactical VisorAutomatically aims your weapon at targets in view.
Role: DamageEliminations grant a burst of increased movement and reload speed.

Tips for Playing Soldier: 76

  • Aim more consciously when using Soldier’s Tactical Visor Ultimate, particularly now that you can get headshots while Tactical Visor is active.
  • There is a gradual upwards drift as you continue to shoot Soldier’s primary fire. If you struggle with hitting your shots, try aiming for the chest first and you might be more likely to get a headshot.


Capable of hacking far more than just information, Sombra uses her stealth to sneak up close enough to enemies to disable their abilities, putting the whole battlefield at her mercy.

Machine PistolA short-range automatic weapon.
TranslocatorThrow a beacon, then press E again to teleport to it. Press interact to remove it.
StealthBecome invisible and move quickly.
HackHold to hack. Hacked enemies cannot use abilities briefly and can be seen through walls. Hacked health packs spawn faster but cannot be sued by enemies. Taking damage interrupts the hack attempt.
EMPDeals damage equal to 40% of all nearby enemies’ health, hacking them and destroying barriers around you.
Role: DamageEliminations grant a burst of increased movement and reload speed.
OpportunistYou detect critically injured enemies through walls, and deal 40% more damage to hacked enemies.


Tips for Playing Sombra

  • You can now see enemies that are half-health outlined through the map, and ping them to reveal their location to your teammates. This is especially useful for calling out flanking enemy players before they can pick off your Support heroes.
  • Hack health packs throughout the map often. This not only gives you and your team more healing from health packs, but it also denies enemy players from using health packs.


Symmetra manipulates light to create teleporters, turrets, and powerful beams to disrupt and shred through any enemy team. As a Damage hero, she is capable of throwing any fight into disarray.

Photon ProjectorPrimary fire is a short-range beam weapon with increasing damage. Hold to charge secondary fire, and release to fire an explosive orb.
Sentry TurretDeploy a small turret that damages and slows enemies.
TeleporterCreate two temporary teleporters that enable instant travel between them.
Photon BarrierDeploy a massive energy barrier.
Role: DamageEliminations grant a burst of increased movement and reload speed.

Tips for Playing Symmetra

  • Use your ping to point out Teleporters to teammates. Calling out Teleporter location is especially important now that Teleporters only last for a short duration.
  • Putting your Sentry Turrets in clusters can make it easier for enemies to take them out, but the trade-off is that the more Sentry Turrets are focused on a singular target, the more damage your Turrets will do.



Practically a walking forge, Torbjorn is a powerful mechanic and Damage hero who chews through incoming enemies with his Rivet Gun and portable Turret.

Rivet GunPrimary fire is a slow-firing, long-ranged weapon. Secondary fire is an inaccurate but powerful short-range weapon.
Forge HammerSwing to repair your turret or damage an enemy.
Deploy TurretDeploy a self-building turret.
OverloadGain additional extra health as well as improved attack, movement, and reload speed.
Molten CoreCreate pools of molten slag that damage enemies in range or that walk over the affected area. Deals additional damage to armor.
Role: DamageEliminations grant a burst of increased movement and reload speed.

Tips for Playing Torbjorn

  • Experiment with the placement of Torbjorn’s Turret. The ideal position for the Turret is somewhere where it can do a lot of steady damage on incoming enemies without being easily burst down by enemy fire.


Tracer blinks through time and space alike to pepper her enemies with a wallop of damage, all in the name of good. Her cheery attitude is just as reliable as her ability to slip through time and out of danger.


Pulse PistolsShort-range automatic weapons.
BlinkTeleport in the direction you are moving.
RecallTravel back in time to your previous location and health.
Pulse BombThrow out a powerful sticky explosive.
Role: DamageEliminations grant a burst of increased movement and reload speed.

Tips for Playing Tracer

  • When playing Tracer, do not be afraid to flank and harass the enemy backline in order to draw more attention and fire away from your tanks. This can create openings for Tank heroes to press the advantage.
  • On the flip side, always be sure to have an escape route for when the odds inevitably turn against you. Choosing your route to the enemy backline carefully is a crucial part of this. With the right approach, a well-timed Recall can place you perfectly out of the enemies line of sight.


Widowmaker's blood runs cold, making her the perfect assassin. Her aim is precise, and her grapple allows her to reposition anywhere... especially where you would least expect.



Widow's KissPrimary fire is an automatic assault weapon. Hold secondary fire to access a long-ranged sniper weapon. The longer secondary fire is held, the more powerful the shot is.
Grappling HookLaunch a hook that pulls you towards a ledge.
Venom MineLaunch a poison trap.
Infra-SightProvide your team with a view of the enemy’s location that pierces through walls and other obstacles on the map.
Role: DamageEliminations grant a burst of increased movement and reload speed.

Tips for Playing Widowmaker

  • Take your time with your shots. The longer you charge up your Widow’s Kiss sniper rifle while scoped, the stronger your shot will be.
  • Part of Widowmaker’s power is simply the intimidation of knowing she could kill a player peaking out of safety with one-shot.


Winston might be a genetically-engineered gorilla, but on the battlefield as a Tank hero, his intellect is only matched by the might of his Tesla Cannon, powerful jump, and fearsome Primal Rage. Don't make this monkey angry.

Tesla CannonPrimary fire is an electric frontal-cone weapon. Hold to charge secondary fire, then release to fire focused electricity burst.
Jump PackLeap forward into the air. Landing on an enemy damages them.
Barrier ProjectorDeploy a protective energy dome.


Primal RageGain immense health, but you can only leap and punch enemies.
Role: TankReduces knockbacks received. Less ultimate generated by healing and damage received.

Tips for Playing Winston

  • Winston’s Tesla Cannon can do steady damage from a fair distance, but you can use the burst from Winston’s Tesla Canon secondary fire to finish off low enemies.
  • His Primal Rage Ultimate ability can be used to “zone” enemy teams as well as killing low-health targets.
  • Save your Barrier Projector ability (or “bubble”) for jumping deeper into the enemy backline.

Wrecking Ball

This highly intelligent hamster rolls around the battlefield in his artificially-intelligent mech, Wrecking Ball. Speedy and capable of taking quite the hit, Wrecking Ball is a formidable Tank hero for such a small little guy.

Quad CannonsAutomatic assault weapons.
Grappling ClawLaunch a grappling claw to rapidly swing around the area. Enables high-speed collisions to damage and knock back enemies.
RollTransform into a ball and increase maximum movement speed.
PiledriverSlam into the ground below to damage and launch enemies upward.
Adaptive ShieldCreate temporary personal extra health. The amount increases with more enemies nearby.
MinefieldDeploy a massive field of proximity mines.
Role: TankReduces knockbacks received. Less ultimate generated by healing and damage received.


Tips for Playing Wrecking Ball

  • Use the knockback from Wrecking Ball’s Roll to move enemy players out of position, making them more vulnerable to your Damage teammates.
  • While Wrecking Ball’s Adaptive Shield ability can be used to get you out of sticky situations, Adaptive Shield gives you more temporary health the more enemy players are surrounding you. Saving your Adaptive Shield until you are in the thick of the enemy team can give you the temporary health you need to survive a little longer.
  • Remember that Grappling Claw now only lasts about six seconds before the grapple “decays”, so try not to rely on it to hang off edges for too long or use it to spin around objectives for too long.


An renowned athlete off the battlefield, Zarya puts her muscles to work for Overwatch hefting her powerful Particle Cannon to beam through enemies and project protective barriers around friendly allies.

Particle CannonPrimary fire is a short-range linear beam weapon. Secondary fire is an energy grenade launcher.
Particle BarrierCreate a damage barrier around you.
Projected BarrierCreate a damage barrier around an ally.
Graviton SurgeLaunch a gravity well that pulls enemies to it.
Role: TankReduces knockbacks received. Less ultimate generated by healing and damage received.
EnergyDamage blocked by barriers increases Particle Cannon damage.

Tips for Playing Zarya

  • Pop Zarya’s Particle Barrier on yourself when enemies are already actively firing at you in order to increase the amount of Energy you generate.
  • Be strategic when placing Projected Barriers (or “bubbles”) on your teammates to protect them during crucial moments (such as Pharrah’s Barrage or Mercy’s Resurrection). You will not be able to place a Projected Barrier on the same target straight away.



This omnic monk might have reached spiritual enlightenment, but as a Support hero he sows Orbs of healing and discord alike, supporting his teammates while weakening those who oppose him.

Orb of DestructionPrimary fire is an energy projectile weapon. Hold secondary fire to charge and release more projectiles.
Orb of DiscordLaunch this orb at an enemy to increase the damage they take from your teammates.
Orb of HarmonyLaunch this orb at an ally to heal them.
TranscendenceBecome invulnerable, move faster, and heal nearby allies.
Role: SupportAutomatically heal over time.
Snap KickQuick melee damage is increased by 50%, and its knockback is significantly increased.

Tips for Playing Zenyatta

  • Use Snap Kick to “boop” enemies off map edges or launch them away from your fellow Support heroes.
  • If you put your Orb of Discord on enemy players that your teammates have already focused on it increases the odds of your team finishing the target off quickly.

Up Next: Overwatch 2 Mauga Release Date and Abilities

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